
OpenAPI and Bruno

Bruno allows you to work with OpenAPI Specification (OAS) files in a number of ways:

  • Creating a collection from an OAS file import
  • Exporting a collection as an OAS file
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  • Viewing and Designing an OAS file
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Creating a Collection from OAS Import

Bruno supports importing OAS V3 files only
  • Select Import
  • Choose OpenAPI V3 File


  • Select the file stored on your machine

Exporting a Collection as an OAS File
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  • Right-click on a collection and select Export


  • Choose OpenAPI Specification


  • Name your file and designate a location for it to be stored


Viewing and Designing an OAS file
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If you’ve saved or otherwise have an OAS file on your machine, you can view the OAS in a SwaggerUI-esque manner by:

  • Selecting Open API Spec


  • Choose the file name and location that you want to open

This will then open the spec in a separate section of your Bruno sidebar called APIs.

If you want to create an OAS file, you can:

  • Select Create API Spec create-open-api

  • Designate whether you want to create a Blank Spec, or generate it from an existing Bruno Collection


  • Choose a name and location for the spec to be saved under.

You will now have the scaffolding of an OAS that you can continue to design.
