Send Requests
Response Data and Cookies
Response data

Response Data

The API returns data as a response from the server after the request is executed. The response panel in Bruno provides you with an organized view of the API's response, including the body, headers, HTTP status code, raw response code, and more.

Response Panel

After executing a request, the response panel provides detailed information on the API's response. It shows the response body, headers, status code, and other relevant data. You can also search within the response using the cmd+f or ctrl+f keyboard shortcut.

Response Panel


The request headers are displayed to show what was sent to the API. This can help in debugging and understanding the context of the request.

Request Headers


The response timeline displays the response headers sent along with the request body, including details such as content-type, date, cache, and connection status.

Response Timeline

Save Response

You can save the response data for future reference, allowing you to store the results in various formats such as HTML.

Save Response

Clear Response

If you want to reset or clear the response data, you can easily do so using the clear response option.

Clear Response

Raw Response

The raw response provides the unprocessed data returned by the server, giving you access to the raw output for advanced inspection.

Raw Response