Getting Started
Import or Export Data
Importing Collections

Importing Collections

It's very common that users transition to Bruno from another tool, or chose to use Bruno while their colleauges may chose something else.

Whatever the case, we allow for importing of the formats as Bruno Collections:

  • Bruno Collection (if a Collection is manually shared with you)
  • Postman Collection
  • Insomnia Collection
  • Cloning a Git Repository

Cloning a Git Repository is only available in our Golden and Ultimate Editions. Please see Collaboration and Versioning for more details.

Importing Process

Either click Import Collection on the home screen of Bruno or select the elipses in the top-left corner then navigate to Import Collection.

Home screen

Import from home screen

Options menu

Import from options menu

Then simply select the format you'd like and complete the import process.

Select your format

Select your format