Getting Started
Bruno Basics
Run a Collection

Run a Collection

Running your Bruno Collection allows you to interact with, and test, an API. We allow you to run your Collections a few different ways:

Collection Runner

We have a built-in Collection Runner that allows for unlimited runs.

Run your Collection by either clicking the ... button next to your Collection in the sidebar then select Run

Click Run

or click the Collection Runner icon in the top bar of the application.

Collection Runner

You'll now have access to run the collection, add parameters, or set a delay between requests.

Data-driven testing by using a .CSV file is available in our Golden and Ultimate Edition

Collection Runner

Automating Runs in CI/CD

Bruno offers a command-line utility to run Collections. This allows you to integrate your tests into a CI and build process.

For more information, head to the page for Bruno CLI (opens in a new tab)